Other Advice and Support
Find a list of organisations that may be able to help below:
Offers free information and advice across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
They give advice on a wide range of topics including: benefits, work, debt and money, consumer rights, housing, family, law and courts, immigration and health.
Your local Citizens Advice for Sheffield
The Circle
33 Rockingham Lane
S1 4FW
Citizen Advice’s Extra Help Unit
The Extra Help Unit is a free service that supports people who have a problem with their energy provider.
They help resolve problems and have the powers to investigate energy complaints.
They can help with issues such as billing errors, debt and disconnection, metering complaints, problems with prepayment meters and problems with transferring suppliers.
If your energy problem is urgent, for example your energy supply is about to be cut off or you are already without supply, the Citizens Advice consumer helpline will usually transfer your call directly to the Extra Help Unit.
You can contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline by: calling free on 0808 223 1133, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or by submitting an online enquiry
Offers free information and advice across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for over 60s.
Financial and legal advice includes: a benefits calculator, a pension calculator, advice on applying for pension credit, and support for scam victims.
Offers advice on staying physically and mentally well, including a befriending service and how to keep well this winter. Some AgeUK centres offer social events and physical activity classes – please check with your local branch.
Offers advice and support on arranging social care.
To get in touch, call them on 0800 678 1602 or find your local branch on their website.
Provides confidential advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problems across England and Wales.
Their Infoline service can provide information and signposting on mental health problems, where to get help, treatment options and advocacy services.
Their Legalline service can provide information on mental health related law.
Offers a free online community where people can discuss their situation, make friends and find support.
To get in touch, call them on 0300 123 3393 or email info@mind.org.uk.
The Reuse Network stocks high-quality, affordable household items for those struggling to afford essential items.
Items include furniture, electrical appliances, IT equipment and more.
Find a reuse centre near you.
The Trussell Trust is a nationwide network of food banks.
In order to get help from a food bank you will need to be referred with a voucher, which can be issued by a number of local community organisations (for instance schools, GPs and advice agencies). Your local food bank can advise which agencies can help.
Applications are now closed
Our HUG scheme is now closed to new applications, if you have already applied, please be assured your application is being processed.
We will soon be taking applications for the new Government backed 'Warm Home Local Grant' funding, please register your interest and we will be in touch.